Your Interview Assistant

Make Interviewing Easy

Cue Cards, Questions, Evaluate, Report Card


Interviewing candidates takes time and effort. Quickly reading resumes and coming up with appropriate questions could be quite challenging if there is not enough prep time.

CueTip is here to help.

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CueTip Features

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Cue Cards

Upload the resume and get the information summary in Cue Cards for the interview. Each card represents a category of information.

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Questions for Interview

Upload the resume and get AI generated questions based on the information in the resume. Get questions for each category represented in Cue Cards. Discard any questions you don't like. Request more questions.

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Score Answers and Add Notes

Score the candidates answers to the questions and add notes for each answer. Mark the question done when satisfied with the answer.

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Download Report Card

Download the Report Card with the scores and notes for each question.

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